Summer updates in myQuiz

Open-ended questions, polls and that's not all! In this post, we will be talking about new features in myQuiz and also sharing ideas on how to make your quizzes cooler.

Let's learn how to surprise your players and keep them on their toes with new cool features in myQuiz!
Open questions and unpredictable answers
Open-ended questions can become a challenging part of the game. They make players name the correct answers themselves, without simply choosing among pre-prepared answers. In addition, this is a great way to shake up an audience that has become used to clicking on the multiple-choice answer. Essentially, open-ended questions can also replace any ordinary quiz question and keep the game new and interesting.
How to get the best use out of an open-ended question?
Present educational information and assess knowledge in real-time using the slides inside myQuiz. With interactive quizzes, you can increase audience participation and reinforce learning. Polls allow you to gather audience feedback in real-time. After the lesson, you can export results to analyze learners' performance and identify areas of improvement.
Create and teach interactive lessons in class, virtually, or in a hybrid format to engage students and increase participation.
Enter the question and the correct answer. You may add a hint, or you may add a commentary that will be shown after the question is answered.
In quizzes for entertainment, you can ask players to name the event in the picture or the event depicted on video. Ask to list the latest important events in the world, name the year that the series "Game of Thrones" was created and even add a known phrase from the television series.
Polls with goals
Forget boring polls! myQuiz is changing the way you think about voting questions. Now, right during the quiz, you can ask the audience to rate your game and get quick feedback. After the quiz, you can see and even save detailed polling results. You can add polls at the beginning, during, or end of the quiz. And also create a themed quiz with polls.
Polls let you know your audience better.
Determine their involvement and their degree of satisfaction. Ask users to tell more about themselves using leading questions: their positions, interests and hobbies. Also quizzes can be used to gauge how they relate to important world events, how often they use certain goods or services, and why they prefer it.

If you host learning quizzes, find out from your students how difficult the lesson was and what users would like to study in the future. Also, you may easily gauge, in what format it's more convenient for students to learn the material, what time to hold the next lesson, and whether everyone will be able to attend.
How to fill the poll questions and answer options in the form (The poll results will be shown after the poll is finished)
If you represent a brand, polls are an integral part of your business. Get quick feedback from your customers about your products with myQuiz. Turn polls into an exciting journey with immersion in the product manufacturing process. Even easily, tell us about the history of the brand, the importance of keeping the high-quality of your products, and how you value your customers. Use myQuiz polls and keep a high level of trust and high engagement rate of your audience!
myQuiz allows you to combine different types of questions in quizzes — polls, multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. Add images or videos to captivate users with a vibrant and unpredictable trivia game.
Delight your audience with new original quizzes and get the most out of it with myQuiz!
Please inquire about myQuiz event packages to run your first branded trivia game. You can also schedule a demo and speak with a live representative.

Contact us at, and we will be happy to help!

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